Barb Hinnenkamp


Barb Hinnenkamp

How did you first get involved with ASLD and when?

Eight years ago I moved back to Denver after 20 years living on the Cochiti Pueblo in New Mexico. At that time I created my work in my home studio which reflected that culture and life style. Needless to say, I was in profound culture shock coming back to this city I had grown up in. I was also finished with the series I created while living there. I found ASLD somehow, maybe the internet and began painting classes.


How has ASLD shaped you as an artist?

The first important mentor was Homare Ikeda.  How he endured my endless self doubting and lost sense of where I was in my creating, I don’t know but he persevered with quiet observation and reflected back to me what he perceived.  The epiphany for me was his saying one day as he looked over his shoulder at me and said ‘Barb, why don’t you paint just for the joy of it?’ What a concept!  I keep that in mind every time I approach my canvas.


What faculty members have you taken courses with as ASLD?

Homare Ikeda, Christian Dore, Marianne Mitchell


What do you like about the ASLD community?

The community of ASLD is so welcoming and supporting of everyone…the spirit is one of supporting Beauty and the human need to create without parameters. I am so grateful!