Board of Directors

Executive Committee​​​​​​​

Gerry Kim


Keith Burgess

Vice President

Grant Spannuth


Kate Davis


Members At-Large

Kate Rooney

Past President, Senior Vice President of Corporate Banking, BOK Financial

Meredith Badler

Deputy Director, Colorado Business Committee for the Arts

Kenneth Brewer

Principal City Planner, City & County of Denver

Tara Garland

Project Manager, NINE dot ARTS

Erica Jacobson

Corporate Counsel, Litigation at DISH Network

Anna Millholland

Director of Visitor Services, Denver Art Museum

Karla Raines

Retired Consultant

Jinha Servais

Design Director, Barefoot Public Relations

Valerie Clover Clark

Grants Controller, State of Colorado - Department of Public Health & Environment

Neil Hagenbrok

Artist, Retired Technology Consultant

Faculty Representatives

Pam McLaughlin

Artist, ASLD Faculty Liaison

Young Professional Representatives

Halee Tanner

Manager of Operations, Colorado Nonprofit Association

Alicia Baeza

Bilingual Museum Educator , Clyfford Still Mueseum

Nikole Peña

Senior Graphic Designer, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper, REALTORS®

Youth Representatives

Casey Cellura

Youth Representatives

Kenzie Magyar

Youth Representative

Lifetime Non-Voting Board Members

Mark Berzins, Past President

CEO Little Pub Company

Connie McArthur, Past President

Owner, McArthur & Co

Philip Levine, Founder & Past President


Henry Meininger, Founder & Past President

Co-Owner, H.R. Meininger Co.

Past Presidents

Nancy Walsh

Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Patrice Werner


Kay Brouillette

Sapiro Art

Ksenia Popke

Eide Bailly

Tricia Hemsky

Hub International