You Know More Than You Think You Do. If you've ever looked at art, made a drawing, or put paint on a canvas, you already know more than you give yourself credit for knowing. In this class, I start by identifying your strengths and building outward from there. You may have much to learn about color, composition, and brushwork, but my classes are built around identifying your strengths as an artist, amplifying them, and adding to the technical and imaginative repertoire that defines your practice. Even those who have been painting for years haven't always explored or even discovered their real interests as artists. We'll work toward helping you create a style or to push the limits of a style you've already developed, understand what it means to have a vision for your work, or redefine your artistic goals.
This class is open to artists working in all media, oil, watercolor, acrylic, mixed. Mostly it is taught on a one to one basis, plus occasional group critiques.
Join this class and challenge yourself to be your best!
Students should have knowledge of the basics in their chosen medium and an open and inquiring mind. This class is very specific to each student. One student may need technical help. Another may need direction with artistic or even business goals. A common issue is defining one’s artistic focus. I try to help each individual artist with their issue(s).