Online Accounts — Create a New Account

4 steps to reset your password

Find the “LOGIN” button on the far right of the navigation menu.

On the LOGIN page, click the link where it says, Forgot your password? Click here to reset

Or, create a new account—if you’re new, start here and follow registration steps by filling in the required account information.

Enter your current email address. This email MUST match the email address on your account.

If it’s been a while, or if you have a new email address, STOP HERE. Please contact the registration office to verify and update the email address on your account.

PLEASE NOTE—Registration staff cannot retrieve your Username or Password. If you are unable to access the email on your account, please contact our staff who can update your account before proceeding with the Reset Password instructions.

Check your email. You will receive a link to reset your password.

Click on the link to return to the Reset Password page on
Work quickly! This link is only active for about 90 minutes.

PLEASE NOTE—Your Username appears at the top of the Reset Password page. Be sure to record this Username with your new password. You will use both of these to log in. Remember, registration staff cannot retrieve your Username and Password.

Choose a password that includes the following:

  • 8 characters or more
  • numbers
  • letters
  • capital letters
  • punctuation symbols

Make it memorable, but hard to guess!

Tips for creating strong passwords

  • Think of a silly phrase. Make it something you’ll remember and keep to yourself.
  • Substitute numbers to look like letters, or use symbols to stand in for parts of your phrase
  • Mix numbers and letters with at least 1 extra special character
  • Minimum 8 characters, but stronger if more than 12

Remember, regisration staff cannot retreive your username and password. But, we can help verify email on your account. Call or visit registration office to get help.