Can You Handle it?
02/09/2025 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Level: Beginner+/ Intermediate
Students will hone their handle making skills by pulling, coiling, or slab building a variety of handles. Additionally, we will cover how to attach and finesse handles and discuss ways to minimize the possibility of cracking at the joins.
Things to note:
We will be using reclaim clay only in this class. All cylinders are prepared for students beforehand and we cannot accommodate requests for specific kinds of clay. Because handles have to sit for a while before attaching, the instructor will send out an idea document prior to class so you can look at examples and have ideas ready when you arrive.
bring your favorite clay tools, sketchbook with ideas, and any examples you would like to try.
Doing research prior to class will lead to more success- look at the resources document that comes with the class and other mugs online. The Rosenfield Collection is an excellent starting point.