Standard Membership Levels & Benefits

​​​​​​​We offer discounted membership fees for certain qualifying groups listed here. If you still have questions about our membership levels, please call our registration office to speak with our staff.


Standard, Single person (18+)
​​​​​​​ $65 per year

Standard benefits for adults 18+

15% off tuition​​​​​​​

Eligible to exhibit artwork during Summer Art Market


Single person (Adult 18+)
$45 per year

Discounted membership fee for educators and students from accredited institutions

​​​​​​​ 15% off tuition​​​​​​​

Photo ID and proof of affiliation required***

Ages 18+
Does NOT apply to youth ages 6–17

*** Educator & College Student Membership is available for students ages 18 & older. Student must provide a photo ID from an accredited learning institution at time of purchase. Please bring ID to the Registration Office.


Single child (ages 6–17)
​​​​​​​$25 per year

Discounted membership fee for children ages 6–17

​​​​​​​ 15% off tuition​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Eligible to enroll in KidART camp or summer Teen Studio programming****

Doctor and emergency contact information required

​​​​​​​ 15% off tuition

​​​​​​​**** Tuition discount is included in the price for camps. Additional discount does not apply.


Two or more people (ages 6+)
$105 per year

​​​​​​​Shared membership for all people living at the same address

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 15% off tuition

​​​​​​​Youth that are on an active household membership are eligible to enroll in KidART camp or summer Teen Studio programming****.

**** Tuition discount is included in the price for camps. Additional discount does not apply.


An annual membership with the Art Students League of Denver (ASLD) is available to those who wish to join our community. Your membership helps us provide an inclusive and inspiring art community, maintain our historic building and support artists. Please note that some benefits are not currently available due to our COVID-19 guidelines. We appreciate your ongoing support as we navigate this time.

An annual membership includes the following benefits:

15% off course tuition*

Access to Open Figure Study sessions

Access to open studios for painting & drawing**

Library borrowing privileges

Invitations to special events

Invitations to enter artwork for select exhibitions

Early registration notifications

Tax deductible membership fee